TPAS Schedule
Most states expect to have their I-10 TPAS projects under construction by mid-2023. The entire system is expected to be fully deployed and operating by mid-2024.
Since April 2019, the Coalition has been conducting technical coordination among the four member states and engaging stakeholders from the trucking community in the identification of TPAS needs and solutions. The four states will continue to work with stakeholders throughout the project to ensure I-10 TPAS meets the needs of the end-users. Outreach efforts will continue with the trucking community to raise awareness of I-10 TPAS and promote its benefits of safe, reliable, and efficient parking and travel along the I-10 corridor.
What We’re Doing
System Design
Each of the four states is developing final design plans, technical requirements, and specifications for the deployment of TPAS. The design will build upon the input gathered from virtual workshops with the trucking industry, the online I-10 TPAS Truck Driver and Dispatcher Survey, the I-10 TPAS ConOps, and other system requirements.
What We’ve Done
System Design
Some of the Coalition states have completed their design plans and are on track to begin constructing I-10 TPAS in the spring of 2023. Others are finalizing their design and will go to construction later in 2023. The design builds upon the input gathered from virtual workshops with the trucking industry, the online I-10 TPAS Truck Driver and Dispatcher Survey, the I-10 TPAS ConOps, and other system requirements.
High-Level System Requirements
The system requirements summarize the proposed functions of the I-10 TPAS needed to meet user needs. Driver and dispatcher needs were identified through stakeholder outreach efforts and were developed and documented in the draft I-10 TPAS ConOps.
Concept of Operation
The Coalition developed the I-10 TPAS draft Concept of Operations (ConOps) describes a high-level understanding of a truck parking availability system that collects and disseminates real-time truck parking availability information. The draft ConOps guides the design of the system and outlines the operations and maintenance requirements for a TPAS system along the I-10 corridor in the Coalition states. It identifies core functions needed for a consistent and seamless TPAS deployment in the Coalition states.
What We’re Going to Do
Once the final design is complete, each state will hire contractors to develop the system software and begin constructing I-10 TPAS in their states. Once installed, the system will be tested to verify its full function before launching in 2024.
Performance monitoring and maintenance of the I-10 TPAS will be conducted and funded by the ATCMTD grant for one year after the launch of the system.