James Bass (Executive Director, Texas Department of Transportation), Tom Church (Cabinet Secretary, New Mexico Department of Transportation), John Halikowski (Director, Arizona Department of Transportation), and Malcolm Dougherty (Director, Caltrans) sign the I-10 Corridor Coalition Organizational Charter on June 2, 2016.
The I-10 Corridor Coalition is a partnership of the California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas Departments of Transportation (DOTs) and is led by a Steering Committee comprised of representatives from each state’s DOT. The Arizona DOT currently serves as the host agency and provides administrative support for the Coalition’s activities.
Organizational Structure
Steering Committee
For the purpose of taking formal action, including adoption of the operating procedures, each coalition member shall be represented by its Director or Cabinet Secretary or his/her designee. These individuals shall constitute the Steering Committee for the 1-10 Corridor Coalition. The Steering Committee shall have the authority to appoint additional committees. Specific committees will be defined within the Operating Agreement. The Steering Committee shall meet at least once annually, either by teleconference or in person.
Membership Requirements
Initial Coalition Membership shall consist of the four states (Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas) through which the 1-10 corridor passes. Additional Coalition members may be added subject to Steering Committee approval.
Members shall commit to (1) adopting this Charter by signature or other written intent to join the Coalition signed by the jurisdiction's transportation agency at the highest level of executive authority; (2) providing joint funding through interagency agreements or financial participation in a Transportation Pooled Fund Program created to facilitate the Coalition; and (3) participating regularly in the Coalition's Steering Committee (described in Section 6.1 ).
Membership Expectations and Requirements
The Coalition is envisioned as a collaborative effort in which each state's time, talent and funding is committed to the good of the whole. Coalition members are expected to contribute to the costs of the identified work plan, task orders and deliverables to the greatest extent possible. Some states may be asked to provide staff and administrative support, as appropriate, in order to sustain the Coalition and its work.
Each Coalition Member shall contribute to any general administrative costs of the Coalition through funding allocations to be approved at meetings of the Coalition's Steering Committee. The Coalition shall strive to keep such costs as reasonable as possible, relying on in-kind contributions of members to the greatest extent practicable. Annual contributions to the potential Transportation Pooled Fund may serve as the primary funding mechanism for any shared support costs.
California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS)
Arizona Department of Transportation
New Mexico Department of Transportation
Texas Department of Transportation